If you lasted to this moment and you are reading this - I think that you love weed as much as we are. Mostly you can buy some amounts of weed on your street market but usually it will be chemical shit.

Stocking up in our shop we give you guarantee of best quality because we are also taking use of products that we sell you. Sometimes ganja gets to us from our own country, sometimes even from Afghanistan. Our favourite style of smoking are joints and bongos, and yours?

Because we also sometimes buy on darknet, we know that the safest method of cooperation is escrow service. We want to sell you real weed so if you want to buy our stuff using escrow service - that ain't problem for our team but remember that you'll need to cover fees cost.

If you're really not convinced - just ask us for additional photos. Here on this site we needed to lower photographies resolution because in other case this site would load too much time. On mail we can send you full-resolution pictures so you'll see that those are from our own stock, not stolen from internet as many of darknet stores do explaining themselves by "security" (they say they're scared of deanonymization).

Hi! We are one of the first shops on darknet that offers only best kinds of marijuana, SPECIFICALLY marijuana. We are going about ganja since seven years, selling since three years. On our site you may buy couple of kinds of weed starting with our favourite Indica, going through Sativa, ending with cheap but fast-growing Ruderalis.

Not only we are sellers but most importantly - we are fanatics and we can talk about it whole days. We are getting supplies from the whole world and we can give you up-to-date data about our stocks. On our website you can order even ten kilos of stuff. We are also selling smaller ziplock bags of it starting with five grams. Of course as you order bigger package - the price lowers proportionally.

We're neither writers or IT engineers so we are sorry for the style of our site and our language. We don't want to prolong so we'll tell you about ways you can order your stuff. You have two options:


1) you can use our AutoPay system:


2) you can write mail with your order:

*3) you can subscribe to PewDiePie!


Always when you write mail - remember about telling us your country. That's necessary for estimating delievery time.

If you have trouble with buying BTCs, you want more info, have some questions (or just don't have friends) - you can always write.

As I said before - you can only pay with Bitcoin on our site. At this moment only Chinese people may have difficulties with buying that currency so if you have trouble with that - you can still smoke shitty weed from your street. If you write us on our mail - you'll get detailed guide how to buy Bitcoin safely.


Also bit of hash
  for some cash
in our stash

<---  JUST ASK :)

As you see on the photos - we really sell multiple species of marijuana but that's not really important. The main problem is - transport. We recommend ordering delivery to the post office. If you live in a safe region and you didn't have trouble with police - you can order package directly to your home. That's your choice.

When it comes to security - we tested many methods and we decided to buy special welder for vacuum packaging. Aside from vacuum packaging, we also think about proper "integument". The best, cheapest and least suspicious are packages - after computer games, electronic items etc.

The whole process wouldn't look suspicious because nothing inappropriate happens during transaction. It just looks like you bought some game from internet, you go to post office or take it from mailbox and that's all. Nobody will care about content of foiled "Far Cry 4". No smell will get out of vacuumed bag inside the game box. Bigger delievery? No problem, you only bought Creative speakers!

We are also artists! Thanks to marijuana our world changed and changes all the time. Remember - what you do depends only on you and if you still want to hurt your body with dirt from street - that's your choice. We also started on buying weed from "friends" - on the street - but now, when we HAVE comparison, we are happy that it is the past.

We don't know exactly what prices do you have in your region, we don't know if those prices are competetive to ours or if those are way lower but currently we have three people that send us weed to America, Europe and Asia so every of our methods of shipping will be fast, secure and prepared for characteristics of your local market. Sometimes we profit from shipping, sometimes we even need to pay extra from our own pocket but on our site prices of shipping are always still. Only waiting time may increase depending on distance but we will inform you about that in a mail.